My favorite way to store and eat fruit! This is a perfect solution to getting a full serving of fruits every day, while keeping them crispy and fresh.
I immediately come home to wash and prepare my fruit to preserve their peak freshness.
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wash your fruit first!!! Grab a large bowl and cover the fruit with cold water. I add in 1-2 glugs of white vinegar, stir it all up, and let the fruit soak for about 10 minutes. You will be surprised how much dirt comes off of your fruit.
Transfer your fruit to a colander and give it a good rinse.
I like to prep my mason jars with a teaspoon of honey, a bit of cinnamon, and about a teaspoon of lemon juice. Now you are ready to fill!
I like to start with frozen fruits or larger fruit like watermelon at the bottom. I cut my strawberries into quarters and then layer my grapes and blueberries on last.
(Prep your fruit containers by lining them with paper towels for any fruits left over, or store in more mason jars if you have enough)
Store your mason jars in the fridge and they will stay fresh for well over a week! Give the jars a good shake before serving to coat with the honey and lemon mixture. Now you can enjoy a fresh and crispy fruit cup on the go!
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